Friday, April 21, 2017

Assignment 3: Grids and Color

This is Project 3 for mu Photography class, called Grids and Color. In this project, we explored how different color aspects(complements, warm/cool colors, monochrome) can emphasize certain parts of a photo or change it's mood. We also explored how grids can impact a photo. We edited 5 types of photos in this project: the same photo repeated, edited duplicates of a photo or different photos, custom grids where the photos overlap and come together to create something unique, the same subject but different photos, and a photo edit that creates a mood using color. The color aspects I used throughout my photos were warm colors, cool colors, color complements, and monochromatic colors.
Same Photo 1(cool colors)
Same Photo 2
Different Photos 1  

Different Photos 2(complementary colors)

Custom Grid 1(complementary colors)

Custom Grid 2(cool colors)
Same Subject(monochrome colors)
Original Mood Photo
Second Edit of Mood Photo

Final Edit of Mood Photo(warm colors)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Color Prework

The colors in this photo contribute to the meaning and the mood. This is because of the warm colors used. The red-orange colors create a warm mood as well as contrasting with the plants and pots. This makes the plants pop as well. If the photographer used cool colors rather than warm ones, that would be the tone of the picture. This picture doesn't look edited very much, but if the photographer increased the saturation it would bring out the colors more.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Project 2: Framing and Composition

These pictures are for the Framing and Composition project in photography. In this project, we learned different framing and composition techniques as well as editing skills. I took my pictures downtown, on a hike, and in my backyard. Not all of them are edited. I chose some of the pictures I thought stood out from the project. Here they are!
Birds Eye View
Bugs Eye View

Close Up


Fill the Frame

Frame within a Frame

Leading Lines

Rule of Thirds

Final Portfolio